Meditations on The Marathon: An Intro to the Metaphysics of Nipsey Hussle


What is a metaphysician? 

A metaphysician is a person who studies the relationship between mind + matter, spiritual + material, potentiality + actuality. They explore the relationship between thoughts and things in order to manifest the vision they hold in mind. 

“Music is Spiritual. You going somewhere mentally and you bringing something back that people that aren’t where you just went can hear...You go somewhere when you pull a lyric down. Where is it? Where does it exist?” - Nip 

Manifestation; Lessons from: That’s How I Knew - Mailbox Money 

I seen it, I thought it, I dreamed it

I said it, I did it, I meant it

I taste it, I loved it, I fiend it

I’m godly, I’m gutter, I’m genius 

  • Nipsey Hussle

Here, Nip has laid out a formula for manifestation. Visualization -> Thought -> Word -> Deed. The metaphysician is one who knows energy (thoughts) precedes form (things). Which is to say, if we want something, we must first have a clear image of it in our mind’s eye. But we can’t stop there, once we achieve or “taste” our goal, we must devote ourselves to the process of maintaining that which we have manifested. 

Gods are often born in the gutter. Christ was born the son of a carpenter in a town where nothing spectacular happened. It was asked, “What good can come from Nazareth?” Nipsey was a crip and a Christ, one who is awakened to consciousness. He knew that no matter what environment you are born into, you possess divinity. This knowledge made him a genius. In order to design your dream world, you must first have a healthy self-image in order to believe you are worthy of deserving this world. When you grow up in the hood and are accustomed to seeing destruction, it is easy to believe this is all you will ever receive from life. Especially when you have the media targeting your sense of value. This is why it is important to silence the outside noise and tune in with oneself to get clear on who you are and what you bring to the world just by existing. 

Intention; Lessons from: Victory Lap - Victory Lap

Spoke some things into the universe and they appeared. I’ll say it’s worth it, I won’t say it’s fair. Find yo purpose or you wastin air, fuck it though y’all niggas scared... Eyes open I can see it clear…

  • Nipsey Hussle 

Again, Nipsey affirms that words become physical matter. “Speak it into existence.” Buddhists believe that life is suffering, and that by accepting this fact, the suffering becomes less intense. It isn’t fair. Life throws us unexpected curveballs that seem to knock us off our paths, but Nipsey knew that by remaining committed to one’s vision despite life’s circumstances, one would find that the reward is worth the pain of the path. 

This lockdown is a perfect opportunity to get quiet and discover your purpose. Ask questions like: Who am I? Why was I born? What do I want from life? What/Who do I love? What do I have to offer the world? 

To waste air is to waste breath, to waste breath is to waste life as breath is our life force. It is what connects us to Spirit; to the very essence of all that is. Meditation, intentional breathing, helps you connect with that force and discover why the universe thought you were perfect for Earth at this time. In metaphysics, air is also related to the realm of thoughts. So Nip is also suggesting that if we do not tap into the power of our thoughts, we are letting the ability to think + design our lives for ourselves go to waste. 

Eyes open- the inner eye. The third eye. Intentional breathing helps us see ourselves clearly and heal our sense of self so that we may recognize and honor our power and purpose, despite the paths we have walked. 

Self-Worth; Lessons from: Status Symbol 3 - Victory Lap

Always had the passion, nigga this a classic

How we came from nothing, went and got established

Livin like a savage, tryna make some magic

Everybody starving, tryna take the sandwich

I know it's elaborate, a nigga just imagined

Felt the right to ask it, we can make it happen…

Started moving at a different frequency and it got me livin lavish

  • Nipsey Hussle

Alchemy is the art of turning liquids into gold, nothing into something. Here, Nip acknowledges that at one point, he had nothing but his passion, and yet, that was enough to help him power forward and pursue his desires. This is “magic”, turning raw material (desire) into something real. 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a pyramid which depicts our human needs. The most basic is at the bottom. These are physiological needs. Food/water/shelter. Due to social engineering, some people get stuck in a cycle of “starvation, Tryna take the sandwich”, Capitalism has people so stuck in a cycle of survival that they never get to climb the pyramid to reach self-actualization, becoming the highest version of one’s self. This applies now more than ever in the midst of a pandemic. People’s base level needs are in question. But please do not remove your eye from the top of the pyramid. Allow yourself time to imagine what your most fulfilled self and life looks and feels like. 

Nipsey felt the right to ask for what he wanted; from both himself and the universe. Audacity is the key to manifestation. And this goes back to self-image. Financial insecurity can take a blow to one’s self-esteem, but you have to be certain of who you are at your core, because your core remains the same whether you have one dollar in your account, or one million. When he had nothing, Nip moved with a frequency as if he had it all, and his life began to reflect his audacious beliefs. 

Please note, material riches are not the goal of meditation, though they can be a byproduct. Spiritual riches are. 

Ego Death; Lessons from: Bigger Than Life - The Marathon + Be Here For A While - Mailbox Money

Shout out to the pain that gave me understanding 


Gotta know yourself on the coldest nights

Can't turn it down you gotta own the fight

Win, lose, or draw, you could ball...

Before you get the shit, you gotta lose it all

And then you find yourself and see that you's a God

  • Nipsey Hussle 

I want to start here by saying that your ego is not bad and you don’t need to kill it. Your ego is simply your idea of yourself. The most common ego identifiers people have are job title, relationships, material possessions, and living environment. Humans are accustomed to answering the question: Who am I? With external things. Nipsey knew the answer to this question came from a deep stillness within. 

The cold here represents discomfort. Hardship. Who are you when you are not afforded life’s luxuries? Does your character change? Do your principles change? Nip says that you can’t turn down the fight. There is a saying that everyone has a cross to bear. This comes from the biblical story of Jesus Christ having to carry his own wooden cross up a hill to be crucified. He gave up the comforts of his past life in order to answer the call of his purpose. 

Before you get what it is you came to this Earth to accomplish, you must first lose everything you thought you knew and wanted, including your old self. This is a process known as the ego death. No. It is not a literal death, it is a metaphorical one. It is the process of purification- of releasing and setting down everything that prevents you from seeing your expansive power and brilliance. We know diamonds are tested under pressure, and gold is refined in the fire. The sooner you let go of your old form the sooner you can enjoy your new one. 

The story of Christ’s crucifixion is the story of an ego death. He bore his cross, he owned his fight, conquered death and ascended into the sky. When we allow life to strip us of everything we are not, we are free to become who we really are. 

The pain of an ego death brings true understanding of the nature of who you are. You are a spiritual being who can take infinite forms. You are a god who can ascend any circumstance when you boldly own the fight. 

Detachment; Lessons from: Faith - Xtra Laps

But wishin on a star nigga took it far

And if I lost it all tomorrow I wouldn't trip at all

They say I'm crazy when I say it

But the fear of fallin off is the only thing that can take it: faith

  • Nipsey Hussle 

What happens when you begin to see the fruits of your intentions blossom? Well, if you come from an impoverished mindset, usually the first thing to kick in is fear, even before joy. You start to think that this is somehow a joke. How did you make something out of nothing? Will it all be taken away? If you lose it, can you do it again? 

Here, Nipsey is teaching the principle of detachment. When you allow the energy of fear to creep in, self-sabotage surely follows. Losing one’s possessions does not equate to losing one’s self. Remember, you tapped into your God-given power to create this new world, if it should be taken away, you can create an even better one. Nothing lasts forever except your soul. And the more you focus on the energy of loss, the quicker you call that into your reality. Remember, thoughts become things. Instead, shift into the mindset of faith. You should not only have faith in your ability to maintain and create more, but in the abundance that surrounds you. Despite what capitalism teaches us, there is more than enough for everyone. 

Monique Mitchell